I’m 37 and still trying to figure out how to exist. I would say it will get better but I only know that it did for me. Thank you for sharing yourself with us. You are very brave!

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thank you for reading! <3

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Same here. 37 and still learning, still searching. But... the life of an emotional nomad (so to speak) has its perks. I allow myself the luxury to experiment. Writing is the result of my emotional wandering. Best experiment ever. And an excellent coping mechanism with the world. Although, I do use it to avoid facing hardships. If it’s a crutch, so be it. “Limping”/writing on.

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it is very much an wonderful coping mechanism, especially in terms of what you can get out of it!

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I do love this essay format: breaking a larger theme into smaller sections, all equally rife with meaning. A really beautiful piece, one that echos sentiments I myself have felt, sentiments you have developed and understood farther than I, who am still afraid to face them. 

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thank you! and thank you for reading! <3

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"It is simple and undemanding to mould yourself in the shape of your worry, to contort yourself to fit within its bounds. It is easy to avoid, to postpone, to keep yourself from living under the guise of self-care."

Yeah... exactly, and beautifully put. on top of being generally anxious I've been in a constant battle w agoraphobia since 2020 and this really says it all. just because it's easy doesn't mean it's good for you.

always a great read, my friend, thanks for sharing such intimate writing with us <3

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ahh thank you for reading and for being open as well, I know it can be so ridiculously discouraging some days and also so uncomfortable but I believe in us!!!! <3

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I'm 39 and still feel off with the world. I'm beginning to realise that this is a rather 'normal' reaction to the current society we are living in. A quote that really resonated with me I wanted to share;

"When people speak of feeling hurt or of having emotional pain, they are not being abstract or poetic, but scientifically precise." -- Gabor Maté

I used to be that kid who takes up little space too. Reflecting back, I remember being told off a lot for just being me. "Why can't you do this better?" "Why don't you understand this?" "Your brother is so much smarter than you." "Oh, hahaha she's getting confused between Bangkok and Thailand again." So through the years, I've become a little less of myself and tried to mould into the versions that my mum would approve.

And it has taken me years to unlearn all the unconscious habits and thoughts I have picked up.

Really enjoyed reading your piece, thank you for the openness.

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thank you for reading and for your words! I know it is a lot of unlearning to do, but it’s one of the most important things we’ll ever do. it’s hard when those boundaries are pushed on your from people close to you, I’m glad you’ve gotten past it. thank you for your commend <3

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This is one of the most beautiful pieces I have ever read, you articulate the disquietude so well – I turned 25 in January and am only now becoming more comfortable in my existence and feeling like I’m worthy of taking up space, I know I have a long way to go but I hope it gets better for you too🧡

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that means a lot thank you so so much <3 I’m beyond happy for you!! it’s a lovely feeling to fit into yourself. thank you for your kind words <3

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..retired now, and still wondering about a whole lot of things !!! This kind of writing should have come along for me a long time ago, good points shared here.

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it seems to be a lifelong learning and that is okay! thank you for reading!

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this was so so beautiful! thank you for sharing 💗

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thank you for reading <3 <3

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This is so so good, highly emotive, pretty tense which is perfect for the subject. It's kinda awkward though, because I also took the word from Eleanor Stern in "In Defense of Ugliness", frictionless I think is what she used. I think you'll like that piece also : D

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going to read it now!! & thank you <3

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I’m 18 and depressed, this has helped me immensely ♥️ thank you for your words! Suffering from severe anxiety as a kid is tough shit to learn how to cope as an adult.

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it is indeed a lot to wade through. I was the same way at 18 and I can tell you it gets better. hang in there <3

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This made me teary-eyed. For a second, I thought you were writing about me. This is exactly how I feel right now.

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