love the book rec list! the only one i’ve read is carmilla, which i really liked, so i’ll definitely look out for the others on my book store trips

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I’d highly recommend The Haunting of Hill House if you liked Carmilla! it’s certainly the most similar in that list

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thanks! i’ve been meaning to read that author anyway so im glad i know where to start w her

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Her Body and Other Parties is the best book ever!! and I'm currently (finally!) reading Carmilla and it's sooooo good. Amazing taste as always <3

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ah thank you!! & I’m glad you’re liking it!

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What a great book list! Loved Our Share of Night and I’ve got three others on my TBR

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ah which ones?! I didn’t see this till just now!

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I love this! you should check out Nino Cipri’s writing. I took a class with them and they are terrific.

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I absolutely will thank you for the recommendation!!

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thank you so much for the shoutout <3 ISTG has become one of my favorite movies and I'm so glad you were able to experience it

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I think everyone should experience it!!! and thank you for your review I loved it <3

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deletedJun 17Liked by Hannah
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this is the best compliment thank you!!!!! <3 <3 I’d be so happy to recommend specific books let me know!!

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deletedJun 16Liked by Hannah
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I adored Our Wives Under the Sea, if you liked The Haunting of Hill House & Carmilla I’m sure you’ll love it too!! thanks for reading <3

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